Kampala sets up, Kabila wakes up, M23 makes up, Masisi flares up.

This post’s header shot has been taken in proximity of one of Lushebere’s IDP camps, a few kilometres east of Masisi town, the administrative centre of Masisi territory, a part of North Kivu province. The shown area, if further neglected that much in terms of attention, may turn into a major hotspot of renewed Kivu … Continue reading

Once more, international politics on the verge to fail the Congo?

(Most of this essay, I actually wrote a few weeks ago, but I considered it still interesting now with a few amendments.) Two months ago in Kinshasa, Congolese flags and Francophonie logos were edging the boulevards. Heads of State, including French President Hollande, of l’Organisation Internationale de le Francophonie attended their summit secured by heavily … Continue reading

Goma. Anatomie einer Eroberung im weiteren Kontext

Am Vormittag des 20. November vermehrten sich die Agenturmeldungen und Kurznachrichten auf Twitter: Goma, die seit mehreren Tagen von der kongolesischen Rebellengruppe M23 (Bewegung des 23. März, laut einem gescheiterten Friedensabkommen) belagerte Provinzhauptstadt des Nordkivu, sei gefallen. Das Bild verdichtet sich, kurze Zeit später gibt es zahlreiche Bestätigungen dieser Nachricht und Goma fällt für etwa … Continue reading

Kivu troubles: Short wrap up and media review

(mis à jour depuis première publication) A spectacle of disinformation and contradictory rumours has been taking place after the seizure of Goma on November 20th and much of the events are still difficult to recap at this point. Saturday morning, however, actual withdrawal of the rebel movement began and many journalists present in Goma witnessed … Continue reading