Amani Itakuya II: Conclusion

Concluding remarks: On the emergence of essayists Jason Stearns   Over the past month, Amani Itakuya has published twenty five essays about the conflict in the Eastern Congo, a majority of which were penned by Congolese. In conclusion, it is worth thinking about the space that these essays have carved out. Political and social debate … Continue reading

AIII #25: The Potential of Coffee in eastern Congo

The Potential of Coffee in eastern Congo Baraka Kasali   The global academic and journalistic narrative about Congo has been filled with sexual violence, conflict minerals and an alphabet soup of armed groups identified by a corresponding alphabet soup of acronyms.  Yet the motors of insecurity should not only be interpreted in terms of physical violence and political instability. Another set of acronyms—ONC … Continue reading

AIII #24: The ‘Gomenyi’ borderland: “It’s not always all about war”

The ‘Gomenyi’ borderland: “It’s not always all about war” (picture provided by the author) Stéphanie Perazzone   As noted in a wealth of political science literature and journalistic accounts dealing with eastern Congo, the province of North-Kivu as a whole and its chef-lieu Goma, are sadly known as the scene of continued socio-political violence, which … Continue reading

AIII #23: Nord Kivu : Par un dialogue franc, la paix est possible à Pinga

Nord Kivu : Par un dialogue franc, la paix est possible à Pinga Cosmas Mungazi Par manque d’un médiateur neutre, les conflits ont persisté dans la zone de Pinga. Des ressortissants de cette cité ont été réunis à Goma par une organisation internationale pour la recherche d’une paix durable. Heureusement un acte de cessation des hostilités … Continue reading

AIII #21: Repenser la réinsertion des anciens combattants pour construire la paix à l’Est de la RDC

Repenser la réinsertion des anciens combattants pour construire la paix à l’Est de la RDC (photo par l’auteur) Umbo Salama Plusieurs organisations ont soutenu le processus de désarmement, démobilisation et réinsertion (DDR) des anciens combattants. Avec des financements des organismes internationaux ou du gouvernement congolais, ce processus a connu trop des ratés. En Avril 2004, … Continue reading

AIII #20: Recalling the positives of the Congolese Army

Recalling the positives of the Congolese Army Benson Linje  A lot has been written about the Forces Armées de la République Démocratique du Congo or FARDC, the national army of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Much of the literature out there is generally negative and paints a bad image of the army as being one of … Continue reading

AIII #19: Après 10 ans d’exile, Sadiki retrouve sa famille

Après 10 ans d’exile, Sadiki retrouve sa famille (photo par l’auteur) Ley Uwera La guerre et les conditions de vie extrêmement difficiles poussent des milliers de familles congolaises à fuir en République démocratique du Congo (RDC). Sadiki a 7 ans lorsque la guerre déclenchée par les rebelles du Congrès national pour la défense du peuple … Continue reading

AIII #22: Do the arts have a role to play in peacebuilding in Eastern Congo?

Do the arts have a role to play in peacebuilding in Eastern Congo? (picture by the author) Nadia Fazal In Goma, the slogan ‘art for peace’ has become mainstream in almost all arts-based activities (music festivals, theatre productions, dance competitions, film projections), including well-attended festivals such as Peace One Day and the Amani Festival. What … Continue reading

AIII #18: Re-engaging the Global: An Account of the Political and Economic Roots of Conflict in DRC

Re-engaging the Global: An Account of the Political and Economic Roots of Conflict in DRC (picture by the author) Marta Iñiguez de Heredia In the last few years there has been a shift in thinking about the roots of conflict in the DRC. From a focus on mineral wealth exploitation, the debate has shifted to … Continue reading

AIII #17: Why should the Government of the DRC prioritize SSR over DDR Programs?

Why should the Government of the DRC prioritize Security Sector Reform (SSR) over Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reinsertion (DDR) Programs? Mahaut de Talhouët Many articles have been written on the linkages between SSR and DDR, and how success in one of these fields is a prerequisite for success in the other. Research has also highlighted the … Continue reading